The 3 Worst Items to Wear to a Party, According to an Event Planner


(Image credit: @thestylestalker)

Before you read this, check your schedule and see how many holiday parties you have on your calendar. If you’re anything like me, then you’ve most likely committed to or tentatively RSPV’d to a handful of festivities. Needless to say, we’re all busy, we all have obligations to attend to, and we all need something fitting to wear. A heavily stacked agenda will quickly turn into a hefty last-minute shopping list, so naturally, with a party-filled schedule comes the pressure of planning what to wear to each get-together. By no means should an outfit stress you out and be the main priority of attending an event, but who doesn't want to look their best?

To lift some of the weight during this busy part of the year, we reached out to event planner Stefanie Cove, who is responsible for organizing get-togethers for celebrities like Gwyneth Paltrow and Molly Sims (to name-drop a few). Cove, who attends and produces countless events a year, revealed her dressing insights with us by sharing the top items to avoid wearing to a party. With her helpful advice and our shopping guidance, we’re confident we all can power through this year’s party-going season seamlessly and—of course—stylishly. Ahead you’ll find Cove’s tips to help ease your getting-ready process for the next time you’re prepping what to wear to an event.


Stay away from stilettos

Stick with larger heels because you won’t sink in any terrain. It’s in now to wear thicker heels, and I say do it. You don’t always know what to expect at a party terrain wise … and it can make for a very awkward moment if you are in stilettos and start to sink.”

Stay away from strapless bras

“Strapless bras stick out in all the wrong places. I say stick with pasties or adhesive, backless bras so you don’t have to worry about it all night long.”

Stay away from jewelry with a catch on it

“It’s just not worth ruining a pricey dress for a bad clasp, and a horrible snag can happen in one quick moment.”

This post was published at an earlier date and has since been updated.

Up next, 16 party-ready pieces that deserve a spot in your closet.

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A great pair of high-rise skinny jeans.