Take the Pastel Trend Into Fall With These 20 Pale Blue Shoes


(Image credit: Style du Monde)

Once summer is over, you don’t have to give up all your beloved pastels. especially this fall, where pale blue shoes are about to reign supreme. The color is the perfect balance of bold and neutral, infusing a bit of a pop with an otherwise monochrome look but not screaming color! like a bolder red or yellow might. In other words, it works well for those less likely to indulge in the most head-turning colors of the rainbow.

The past few runways seasons have brought with them head-to-toe pastels, showing us how to take the overly childish vibe and make it look a little more grown-up, a little more tailored, and—dare we say it—a little edgier. The same goes for this shoe trend for fall, as we’re seeking everything from pretty ballet skimmers to moto boots in the light tone. For every personal style—and every budget—here are the best pale blue shoes for fall that you should be shopping ahead of the season. 

How will you wear your pastel shoes this fall?

Freelance Writer