Alert: This Is the Best Place to Buy a Louis Vuitton Bag

If you've been debating where to head for your next vacation, you may want to consider putting London on the top of your list, especially if you're planning to do any shopping. The Wall Street Journal reports that right now, many luxury items, including Louis Vuitton's iconic bags have a lower price tag across the pond. In dollar terms, the same Louis Vuitton Speedy 30 bag is just $802 in the U.K. while it costs $970 in the U.S. 

While the difference in price is enticing for visitors abroad, the reasoning behind the dollar for dollar value isn't without controversy. Namely, because the difference can be blamed in part on the falling price of the pound in the aftermath of the Brexit crisis earlier this year. As the price of Britain's currency falls against the USD, a bag worth the same amount in pounds and dollars no longer translates evenly. Until a brand like Louis Vuitton raises the price in the U.K. to fit the adjusted values, you'll spend less in London than at home. So, the sooner you can head overseas for a little shopping, the better.

Don't have time for a trip? Shop our favorite picks from Louis Vuitton right now instead!


Aemilia Madden