I've Been Holding Out for "Worth-It" Purchases—These 30 Winter Arrivals Are It

Editor Wearing Brown Sweater and Blue Jeans

(Image credit: @nataliegrayherder)

Most Wanted is a weekly series in which one editor, staffer, or influencer shares their top 30 must-haves or current wish-list items.

Call me a fan girl, but my favorite stories on Who What Wear are my fellow editors' personal shopping lists. Who needs ChatGPT when you have dozens of colleagues who can effortlessly name-drop every new fashion and beauty arrival on the market? Our Most Wanted series is the best way to see what editors are actually buying after perusing hundreds—scratch that, thousands—of products every week. Here's what made my short list this month.

This may be sacrilegious to say as a fashion girlie, but it takes a lot for me to get excited about new arrivals, let alone make purchases. However, January's latest arrivals have me pulling out my credit card at record speed. My list includes peeks at spring trends like pretty pastel pinks, hair cuffs, and canvas jackets—everything I want to wear now and in the coming months. Plus, I snuck in a few beauty arrivals I can't survive winter without. So instead of stressing over what trending items to buy this month, take a scroll through my favorites below.

Natalie Gray Herder
Editor, Branded Content

Natalie Gray Herder is an Editor on the branded content team at Who What Wear. Originally from Los Angeles, Natalie decided to make the move to NYC after graduating from Loyola Marymount University in 2019. She is an avid researcher, reader, and explorer in and out of the office. She is inspired by the street style of her fellow New Yorkers and her laid-back roots in California.