I Rewatched Legally Blonde and Picked Out All the 2018 Trends

If Elle Woods was still a law school student today, would she be the walking poster girl for Millennial Pink or would she stick to her signature bright iteration? That's just one question that comes to mind when I watch Legally Blonde today. I don't necessarily go out of my way to revisit the 2001 film, but if I happen to catch it on TV or see the movie poster pop up on Netflix, I can't turn away from the feel-good, powerful, '00s fashion–filled film. And the most recent encore viewing had me thinking: There are lots of 2018 trends in this 17-year-old movie.

With this in mind, I went through the outfits worn by Reese Witherspoon and selected five trends that feel especially au courant. In fact, there are several of ways to bring a bit of Woods into your wardrobe right now—as in, before Legally Blonde 3 rolls around—and we've shopped them out for you below.


Rose-Colored Sunglasses
(Image credit: Getty Images)

There's a bit of a double meaning behind optimist Woods' penchant for rose-colored glasses. Some see her anything-is-possible attitude as naive (we're looking at you, Warner), but I find it charming, inspiring, and ultimately the key to her success. Plus, who doesn't love a pair statement sunnies?


(Image credit: Shutterstock)

A 1960s tie-dye fan Elle Woods is not. But a woman who loves prints that make you smile? Sounds about right.


Collegiate Style
(Image credit: Shutterstock)

Woods is the perfect example of someone who dressed for the job she wanted, and needless to say, it paid off. What, like it's hard?


Gen-Z Yellow
(Image credit: Shutterstock)

"Whoever said orange was the new pink was seriously disturbed!" However yellow—a color associated with sunshine, optimism, and most recently Gen Z—was unofficially Woods' second favorite shade in the flick.


Super-Strappy Heels
(Image credit: Getty Images)

I can't imagine a single pair of chunky, clashing "ugly" shoes in Woods' closet, but super-strappy stilettos with a read-to-party vibe? She's all about them.

Add some of Woods' best pieces into your wardrobe now—they'll be a whole new batch of inspiration when the next sequel rolls around.

Gina Marinelli
Senior Editor

Who's your style icon?Taylor Tomasi HillWho are your 5 favorite people to follow on Twitter/Instagram? @tamumcpherson @lisasaysgah @therealgracecoddington @everyoutfitonsatc @notmynonni What's the fashion essential you can’t live without? A leather jacket.What's your desert island album? Beyoncé "B'Day." Or pretty much anything Beyoncé.