It's Gemini Season: Here's How to Dress For New Adventures


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Go shout it from the rooftops: Gemini season is here! While this particular star sign can be “polarising” due to its dual nature, our resident astrologer, Natalia Benson, has reassured us that this month will be more about free-flowing fun and less about solving a Rubik’s cube of emotion. According to Benson, “Gemini has a lighthearted energy to it, so spend the month socialising and enjoying yourself with local adventures.” 

For more specific insight, peruse Natalia’s full horoscope report here, but the main takeaway is that June will be a fabulous time to get real with yourself and the world around you by diving into your own thoughts as well as the community surrounding you. But before you dive in, you’d best be prepared, sartorially speaking. There’s no denying that a packed social calendar can pose a challenge to your everyday dressing... What exactly does one wear wear to the office that will seamlessly transition you into after-work drinks?

When you’re trying to live in the moment, it’s best to expect the unexpected and dress accordingly. Thankfully, there's a plethora of wardrobe staples that will assure you’re stylish (and comfortable) no matter what June throws your way. To see what to wear this month and make the most of what the stars have in store, see our five favourite Gemini-approved outfit staples below. Get ready, it’s going to be a wild ride.

The perfect day-to-night top

There's nothing worse than sitting at the bar, feeling stuffy in your blazer... Unless of course, you show up to work in full-blown cocktail attire. So where do you find the balance?

Enter: The day-to-night top. Nice enough to wear to work, but special enough to be more of a going-out top afterwards, the ideal style would work under a blazer that can easily be ditched once you're getting drinks. Fabric is key here, so opt for something that feels a little nicer, without being flashy. 

Black Skinny Jeans

You can wear them anywhere, with anything, and they'll still look good. Going to a nice restaurant? Exploring a new neighbourhood? Hitting the art museum? They'll work for every occasion.

A bag that's ready for adventure

You never know what could come up, so you're going to want a bag that will carry all your essentials without getting in the way. A stylish backpack is the perfect pick.

Comfy Shoes

Chances are, you're going to be running around a lot this month between social obligations and new experiences. It's essential to comfortable during this journey, or else it could quickly become less than fun. A block heel is a stylish, yet comfortable way to go. 

A party dress

I'll say it again: Time to call up your friends and go out. For the occasion, you might as well call in a new party dress as well. After all, getting ready is half the fun. 

So, there you have it. Now you're ready to rock Gemini season in the most stylish way possible.

Related: Stop Reading Your Horoscope, You Can Wear It Instead
