If We Can Mute Instagram, We Can Also Mute These 5 Trends

Earlier this week Instagram announced it had officially released a function on the app to mute users in your feed. It’s a long time coming and such a necessary tool. Think about it: We may not want to unfriend a dear old college roommate, but we also aren’t waiting with bated breath for their next latte art picture. And this sparked a bit of an idea: If we can mute photos that aren’t really adding anything interesting to our day, the same can be done with trends.

While trends are cyclical and plenty of people prefer a style that’s immune to whatever the rapidly changing It item is, in this case, these below five examples are simply styles we’ve been seeing a lot of. Too much, depending who you ask. It’s not that we’re calling an official end to the items below, but perhaps we can benefit from a little distance. Or fittingly, some time on mute.

Furthermore we can think of more current styles that deserve their moment in the sun this summer—literally and figuratively that is. Keep scrolling to see them all.


Mute: The '90s
(Image credit: Collage Vintage)

From slip dresses and chokers to high-waist jeans and velvet, the decade has been quite ubiquitous for the past few years.

Play: The '80s


Mute: Asymmetric Shoulder Peeking
(Image credit: @thestylestalkercom)

A peek of the shoulder will forever be charming, but there’s a fresher way to do it.

Play: Shoulder Ties


Mute: Primary Colors
(Image credit: @thestylestalkercom)

Trust: Bold primary colors aren’t going anywhere. But for the sake of trying something new, we’ll mute just momentarily.

Play: Pastel Colors


Mute: Vintage Florals
(Image credit: @thestylestalkercom)

Vintage anything goes through cycles of popularity (see the aforementioned ’90s versus ’80s slide above as proof), so consider taking a small step back from the florals that you once gravitated toward.

Play: Vintage Tie Dye


Mute: Oversize-Ruffle Dresses
(Image credit: @thestylestalkercom)

When it comes to ruffles, is bigger better?

Play: Peasant Dresses

Remember: Muting—on Instagram or otherwise—is not permanent, but perhaps it's necessary to get right to the good (new) stuff.

Gina Marinelli
Senior Editor

Who's your style icon?Taylor Tomasi HillWho are your 5 favorite people to follow on Twitter/Instagram? @tamumcpherson @lisasaysgah @therealgracecoddington @everyoutfitonsatc @notmynonni What's the fashion essential you can’t live without? A leather jacket.What's your desert island album? Beyoncé "B'Day." Or pretty much anything Beyoncé.