Gucci Bags 101: Everything You Need to Know Before You Buy



If you're reading this, you, like me, likely lust after the latest designer handbag, watching trends and harboring your hope of amassing an endless collection of key staple bags from a Louis Vuitton Keep-All to a Chanel Flap Bag. If there is one brand that has stolen the spotlight over the past couple of years, however, it's Gucci, thanks to Alessandro Michele's inspired designs and genius marketing strategies.

Purchasing a designer bag (particularly a Gucci bag) isn't just for show—it's an investment. Whether you pass it down to others in the future or post it for resale, you want to ensure that the bag you're purchasing will not only retain its shape and quality but also maintain (or increase!) its value.

From the sheer number of beautiful bags to the endless dispute between classic and trendy, it can be difficult to know which Gucci bag is worth the price. That's why we spoke with experts at Vestiaire Collective, an online luxury reseller marketplace, to get the inside look into how to buy and sell Gucci's iconic bags. From understanding how much your Gucci bag will increase in value to solving the classic-versus-trendy debate, this is the ultimate guide on how to buy Gucci bags.



1. Gucci is Resale Gold

According to Vestiaire's experts, "In 2019, Gucci became the top-selling brand on Vestiaire Collective for the first time! In the past year, we’ve seen a 39% increase in sales, meaning more Gucci pieces were sold on our platform than from heavy hitters such as Louis Vuitton, Prada, Dior, and Hermes. Gucci has been steadily rising in demand and value for over three years now, and we project this trend to continue in 2020, making it a surefire investment in the New Year."


(Image credit: @maria_bernad)

2. The Debate Is Settled… Classic Wins

"If you’re purchasing a handbag as an investment, it’s best to stick to timeless classics. Collectors never get tired of the Marmont, Princetown, or Dionysus," according to Vestiaire's reseller experts. "It’s important to consider how trendy the model is, including whether it’s a recent collection, rare, or limited edition piece." If the piece is truly rare—whether it was limited edition or only sold in small quantities—it may attract significant demand and value, but if you're looking for a sure investment, it's classic all the way. Case closed. 



3. Look Out for the Big Five

"According to Vestiaire Collective’s data, the top five Gucci bags known for maintaining their retail value are the Dionysus, GG, Marmont, Princetown, and Zumi." In addition, "rare and limited edition variants [of these styles] can even further increase in value on the resale market", Vestiaire Collective tells us. Plus, each of these five bags is incredibly stylish, so they'll look great on your arm in the interim! Win-win. 


(Image credit: @carodaur)

4. Consider the Bag's Material

In an expert's opinion, "the bag’s material will impact its resale value as well. For example, dark colors, leather and canvas are easiest to maintain so they tend to retain their condition longer." Of course, the better condition your bag is when you sell it, the higher the value it will attract. 



5. In Summary, What's Old Is New Again

Vestiaire's experts believe now is the time to buy. "In the past year, Vestiaire Collective has seen a huge increase in its vintage category, reflecting consumers’ demand for unique pieces and heritage designs. Many luxury brands are responding to this trend in resale by reintroducing these models. What’s old is new again!" If you weren't convinced to take the plunge and get your Gucci before, we'll bet you are now.

Ready to Buy? These Are Gucci's Bestsellers, According to Vestiaire Collective

Next, update your wardrobe with these seven spring trends. 
