Here's How to Train Your Brain to Be More Creative


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In a wellness world where our scope has widened to more than calorie counting and green juices, we’re asking more questions about our mind, its power, and how we can use it to our creative advantage.

That’s where theta waves come in.

Theta waves are one of the five wavelengths in which our brains operate, and we can tap into this part of our brain to access the subconscious, which as celebrity hypnotherapist Camilla Sacre-Dallerup tells us, can rule 95% of our brain function in everyday life.

If you’ve ever meditated, then you’ve most likely met your theta waves or have been in a theta state. While they’re a part of you all the time, it’s a matter of how we can access this mental realm to hone our subconscious and call in more creativity.

If our personal wellness journeys are really just a matter of knowing ourselves better, it’s worth finding your way to a theta state to be in a more creative, intuitive place.

Here are some ways to get there.


Meditation will lead you to theta state where you can access your subconscious mind. Whether you’re winding down at a local meditation class or taking yourself through a simple body scan at home, Sacre-Dallerup recommends thinking about the subconscious like a tool box. “If we are not mindful of the patterns we place in our toolbox consciously, either via affirmations, hypnosis, or visualizations, the subconscious will just grab an old pattern as a tool,” she says. “This tool may not serve us, as it could be from the last time we were stuck creatively or feel stressed—however, if we teach the subconscious a new way to support us, it can help the creativity flow beyond your belief.”

Once you’ve gone into a theta state via meditation, you can continue its positive benefits—that deep intuitive knowing—on the conscious beta plane.


New York–based Tune.Studio is a medical-grade sound therapy that uses physical and audible vibrations to bring the body into healing theta state.

“The greatest benefit of theta is when the brain is in a healing state, the body follows. This is when people report feeling lighter, increased focus, better digestion, improved sleep, greater ability to execute, increased bandwidth, better workouts, and increased creativity,” says Tune.Studio Founder Kyle Godfrey-Ryan.

Just 15 minutes of tuning brings the mind to theta state, perfect for the go-getter who still allows time, albeit very strategically planned, for heightened self-care.

Dream journaling

REM sleep is also a way to access theta state since it’s the time when we dream most vividly. Those vivid dreams can be a way your subconscious speaks to you. Start a dream journal to capture what your subconscious is focusing on. While dreams can reflect everything from the deep and metaphorical to simple anxiety around your to-do list, jotting down your dreams is an easy way to bring awareness to how you'’re feeling on a subconscious level, which is especially helpful before diving into your day.

Positive Affirmations

While positive self-talk can induce eye-rolling at times, the subconscious takes notice. Saying affirmations like “I am creative,” “I am intuitive,” or “I am powerful” will have a direct effect on your subconscious brain and what we believe we can accomplish.

“The subconscious is listening all the time, so even if you don’t believe the affirmations at first, as you say them over and over again, whether that’s out loud or in your mind, you will slowly start to believe them as they settle in the subconscious,” says Sacre-Dallerup.

Whatever your method may be, allow a moment to slow down and get to theta—it will give you a greater sense of self with a higher likelihood to tap into your creative wells.


This article is provided for informational purposes only and is not intended to be used in the place of advice of your physician or other medical professionals. You should always consult with your doctor or healthcare provider first with any health-related questions.
